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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Consider Lilies

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these." Matthew 6:28

That is a verse I turn around and spin in my head all the time for I am a spinner.

peace and joy


  1. Olive, I love seeing that bee gathering food . My lilies have not bloomed yet. I have some tall orange ones and just a few yellows. Once the bloom has been spent, the greenery is still nice to have around. Hope you and Joe are doing well. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. My Stella's have just begun a few blooms. Beautiful flowers!

  3. "I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning. Like a whirlpool it never ends. And it's you girl making it spin. You're making me dizzy." Sorry, that 70's song started spinning in my head. Of course, my head spins all the time. Behave, Bonnie. It's Sunday. Hey! God invited laughter right? On a more serious note, I love the verse. It and the one about the birds in the same passage is my favorite. Such solace in looking at the flowers and the birds. You have the perfect spot!

  4. Beautiful . . .

  5. We planted yellow and also some red day lillies a couple of weeks ago. The yellow are in full bloom, but we await the red blooms.. Love them. So easy to grow.

  6. My lilies are on their way, but not yet in bloom. This year I have been very vigilant protecting the turks cap ones from the red lily beetle.

  7. This time of year is a good one for lillies! Mine are starting to bloom too.

  8. I love that verse when I start to worry about various needs!
    Mary Alice

  9. Gorgeous lilies. However did you make that bee sit there for you!

  10. Love the verse and the lilies! Thanks for reminding us that God is in control!

  11. I love that verse, Olive.

    Stella's are such a powerhouse lily all season long. We have them here there and everywhere, adding more each year.

  12. Do you spin the same thing for years? I do.


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