I ended up at our little yellow house without my keys or my car. I found my bra after it had been missing for two days. On Thursday last I was at The Beauty Junction. Getting some help in the beauty department. I had an ache in my back that spread and pretty much exploded. In nurse speak I had a "syncopial episode". I nearly fainted from the pain. I layed on the massage table and disrobed a bit. An intense feeling of warmth always precedes actual fainting. Then the nausea arrived. Oh Joy. Not. Joe was called. Everyone at the beauty shop took wonderful care of me. I managed to pay my bill and send my car out to be washed! That's how I lost my car and keys. Joe arrived and whisked me away. I threw up in his truck. I was so sorry. Joe loves me so he didn't care at all. He cleaned it up while I was in the house still being violently sick. We went to the ER. No, not the one five minutes away. We drove seventy miles to another ER because we are NUTS! That is where my bra got shoved in my purse not to be found for two days while I recovered at the yellow house. Friday morning found me braless, keyless and carless in a drug-induced fog. Stoned from the kidney stones.
Olive Out
Re-Growing Scallions
13 hours ago